Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yakitake! Japan


Yakitate looks at the glory that is Bread! 16 year old Azuma Kazuma is a boy with the legendary Solar Hands, and dreams to create ja-pan; a bread that will become a national symbol of the country. In following this dream he becomes employed by Pantasia, one of the higher status bread companies in Japan. Azuma invents mighty breads to prove his strength to the world while at the same time trying to save Pantasia from its over-bearing rival St Pierres.

I Say:

[Yakitate Japan is a humourous and clever story about Azuma Kazuma who possesses solar hands. His dream; to make Ja-pan (Pan:Bread in japan) that can surpasses the popularity of rice among the Japanese & to prove his grandfather that bread tastes better than rice. On his journey to Tokyo, he meets his team mates who work in pantasias southern branch (Azusagawa Tsukino, Kawachi Kyousuke, Matsuasiro Ken, Kanmuri Shigeru, and I almost forgot Kinsoshita Kageto) and also meets some other fun characters such as the examiner and the peacock. The story is divided into several arcs;Azuma's Childhood, The Pantasia Entrance Examination Arc, Pantasia's Newcomers Battle Arc, Monaco Cup Arc & The Yakitake 9!!(Yakitake 25!! in the manga) arc.]

Another great anime!But too bad it's over!T.T (I watch all 69 episodes!)

Story & Character: 7/10
Art: 8/10
Music: 8/10

-Double H-

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