LaMB is an upcoming animated film produced by Animax directed by Ryosuke Tei with the original script written by Carmelo S. J. Juinio, one of the finalists of the 2007 Animax awards Pan-Asia Animation competition (from Philippines), that will be broadcasted across several countries in 2009 in high definition. It is also the first and biggest Animax original production, featuring the French-Canadian band Simple Plan and the American band The Click Five who will be producing two different songs for the opening and ending themes of the movie.
LaMB is Animax's first original production in High Definition, and "promises to revolutionize the entire entertainment experience via how content is delivered and marketed to consumers". Encompassing a series of multi-platform, multi-disciplinary, and multi-media activities that revolves around the launch of the movie on Animax, LaMB aims to redefine the entire entertainment experience for consumers from pre-premiere to post-premiere of the film in a campaign expected to last at least six months. The film is based on a screenplay entitled Laminated Woman: To the Sand Planet Cerra by Carmelo S. J. Juinio, a Filipino entrant of the 2007 Animax Award competition. Its release is considered by Animax to be an example of the industry potential of user generated content. The plot features a futuristic prison system in which prisoners, the titular "LaMB"s, are sealed in personal containment systems known as "laminated suits" and used for labor.
Canadian band Simple Plan's I Can Wait Forever is to be the title track for LaMB, while American band The Click Five's song Summertime is also to be featured in the film. Animax Asia and Peach Blossom Media are to produce music videos for both songs, which will premiere on Animax across Asia and online in December 2008.
LaMB will be dubbed in several languages for several different regions: English for the Southeast Asian region, Mandarin for China, Cantonese for Hong Kong, Hindi for India, and Japanese for Animax Japan. It will be shown across all Animax channels around the world.
Hong Kong actress Josie Ho and Taiwan's Van Ness Wu will voice in English and Cantonese for two of the primary characters in next year's internationally produced animated film LaMB.
The plot features a futuristic prison system in which prisoners, the titular "LaMB"s, are sealed in personal containment systems known as "laminated suits" and used for labor. The virtual slavery that is Lamination ensures that those convicted of serious crimes remain productive, if not free, members of society, making both jails and the death penalty unnecessary in a world where human ingenuity, creativity and labour continue to be precious commodities that cannot be replaced by robots or any form of artificial intelligence.
The two protagonists are Eve and Jack. Eve is an ex-weapons specialist who has accidentally taken innocent lives while trying to do good and was sentenced to years in virtual imprisonment behind the laminated suit. Jack on the other hand, is a visiting scientist from another planet who is trying to forget his dead wife and immerses himself in work. Inadvertently Jack gets pulled into the political system of lamination and a romance with Eve.
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