The series begin in the human world, with the sudden entry of a stranger into the main protagonist`s bedroom, Kurosaki Ichigo.
This stranger is Kuchiki Rukia, a shinigami(literally God Of Death). After an ensuing conversation, Ichigo and Rukia are forced into combat against a HOLLOW (evil spirit). Rukia is disabled, and forced to transfer her power into Ichigo, transforming him into a shinigami. As it turns out, Ichigo is very powerful and even has a semi-unique zanpakuto. Ichigo makes quick work of the HOLLOW and Rukia leaves.
The next day, she shows up in his classroom, apperently a normal human student. It turns out that Ichigo has completely absorbed her abbilities, and she must recover them by using a temporary human form, Gigai.It is later reaveled that the Gigai she entered was specially designed by Urahara and given to her.
In the mean-time, Ichigo must take over her job, cleansing the hollow in the region. As Ichigo got moreto know about Shinigami life and its issues.
Story & Characters: 9/10
Art : 7/10
Sound : 8/10
Presentation : 9/10

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