Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Samurai Champloo Anime Review!

Samurai Champloo is an interesting series, because it is not always good in the traditional sense. The simple plot revolves around Fuu searching for the Sunflower Samurai, but more often than not, the goal is completely abandoned for several episodes to go on some silly excursion. Where Samurai Champloo is very strong, however, is in evoking certain moods; stylistically, Champloo is incredible, but because there were a few extremely strong arcs, I don’t think you can say that it was a case of style over substance.

Some people will say that the episode of the anime were good, but a few of them were bad. Samurai Champloo is that kind of series that needs to be enjoyed for what it is - a loosely related string of stylish vignettes. Expecting plot-driven episodes from Champloo is like demanding high continuity between Azumanga Daioh -unthinkable!

[Left to right: Mugen, Jin, Fuu]


Story & Characters: 7/10
Art : 8/10
Sound : 6/10
Presentation : 8/10

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