One of the masterpieces from
Akira Toriyama..
As a young adult,
Goku meets his older brother,
Raditz, who tells him that they come from a race of extraterrestrials called Saiyans. The Saiyans had sent Goku to Earth to destroy it, but his ship crashes upon arrival. Goku fell into a deep ravine and lost all memory of his mission. Goku refuses to help Raditz continue the mission, after which he begins to encounter others who want to battle him, such as the Saiyan prince
Vegeta. He also encounters
Frieza, who is considered to be one of the strongest beings in the universe, after which Goku begins training his first child, Gohan, to be his successor. Years later, a group of soldiers from the Red Ribbon army known as androids appear to kill Goku. Another android,
Cell, absorbs Androids #17 and #18 from the Red Ribbon army to increase his power, then fights Goku and Gohan, resulting in the former's death. Goku is capable of returning to life, but decides to stay dead for seven years to train in the Other World. When he returns, he is drawn into a battle for the universe against an extraterrestrial named
Majin Buu Joined by Vegeta and Gohan, the evil half of Buu is destroyed and the Good Buu (Mr. Buu) settles down with them. Ten years later at a martial arts tournament, Goku meets evil Buu's human reincarnation,
Uub. At the end of the series, Goku takes Uub away on a journey to train him as another successor.
...............One of the key point of attraction is the "Saiyans".
The history of the Saiyan race prior to their service to Frieza is not covered in the original manga.
The Saiyans were a group of barbaric aliens who came to the Tuffle homeworld of "Planet Plant", seeking refuge from the destruction of their original homeworld by the hands of an out of control Super Saiyan, who destroyed himself along with the planet. When the Saiyans arrived, they met the friendly Tuffles, an advanced scientific race who had sympathy for them and allowed them to stay, not knowing the Saiyans had plans to give them the boot and take the planet for themselves to repopulate their race. Finally, war broke out and the Saiyans tried many times to overthrow the Tuffles but were unsuccessful. Even though the Saiyans were bigger in size and much stronger, they were fewer in number compared to the Tuffles.
What gave the Tuffles an upper hand was the technology to read the power levels of the Saiyans and advanced weaponry to hold them off. One night, the moon rose in the sky, something that only occurs once every eight years on Planet Plant. The Saiyans then transformed into their giant, monstrous Great Ape forms, the Oozaru, sealing the Tuffles' fate and leading the Saiyans to victory. The current Saiyan leader, Vegeta, who lead the Saiyans to victory was crowned king and he renamed the world "Planet Vegeta" after himself.

Over the years, the Saiyans began to learn and use the Tuffles' advanced equipment and became somewhat smarter and less barbaric, but they still lusted for battle. Through unexplained circumstances, the Saiyans joined a new partnership with Frieza, a powerful galactic dictator whose dominion stretched over seventy-nine or more planets. The Saiyans were hired by Frieza to exterminate the populations of other planets, preparing them for sale.
One of the chracters i like the most is Vegeta...though not the centre of attraction-------------------Vegeta is introduced into the series as the proud prince of the Saiyan race. After overhearing Piccolo tell Raditz the legend of the Dragon Balls through his scouter, he and his comrade Nappa travel to Earth in the hopes of using the Dragon Balls to wish for immortality, and also exterminate all life on the planet. However, he is defeated by Goku with the help of Gohan, Krillin, and Yajirobe but manages to escape with his life, after an ailing Goku insists he be spared. After being restored to health, Vegeta seeks to travel to Piccolo's home world Planet Namek to wish for immortality using the Namekian Dragon Balls after overhearing from his rival Cui that Frieza has already taken off to get the Dragon Balls for himself.But from the beginning of the Trunks saga we find vegeta fighting along side the gud guys and even gets married to Bulma.
Vegeta Saga
Captain Ginyu Saga
Frieza Saga
Garlic Junior Saga
Trunks Saga
Andreoids Saga
Imperfect Cell saga
Perfect Cell Saga
Cell Games Saga
Saiyaman Saga
Worls Tournament Saga
Babioi Saga
Majin Buu Saga
Fusion Saga
Kid Buu saga
Goku Family Tree
image taken from here
Download Dragon Ball Z1. The Arrival of Raditz | |
2. The World's Strongest Team | |
3. Gohan's Hidden Powers | |
4. Goku's Unusual Journey | |
5. Gohan's Metamorphosis | |
6. Gohan Makes a Friend | |
7. Trouble on Arlia | |
8. Home for Infinite Losers | |
9. Princess Snake's Hospitality | |
10. Escape From Piccolo | |
11. Showdown in the Past | |
12. The end of Snake Way | |
13. A Fight Against Gravity | |
14. The Legend of the Saiyans | |
15. A Black Day for Planet Earth | |
16. The Battle Begins... | |
17. The Saibamen Strike | |
18. Nappa...The Invincible? | |
19. Tien Goes All Out! | |
20. Time's Up!! | |
21. The Return of Goku | |
22. Goku Strikes Back | |
23. Goku vs. Vegeta...A Saiyan Duel | |
24. Vegeta...Saiyan Style! | |
25. Stop Vegeta Now!! | |
26. Battle's End | |
27. A New Goal...Namek! | |
28. A Journey to Namek | |
29. Friends or Foes?! | |
30. Hunt for a Dragon Ball | |
31. Who's Who? | |
32. Touchdown on Namek | |
33. Face Off on Namek | |
34. The Ruthless Frieza | |
35. The Nameks Versus Frieza | |
| 36. Escape From Dodoria | | 37. Secrets Revealed | | 38. A Collision Course | | 39. Stay Away From Frieza | | 40. Zarbon Transformed | | 41. The Eldest Namek | | 42. Get Vegeta! | | 43. Vegeta Revived | | 44. A Heavy Burden | | 45. Immortality Denined | | 46. Big Trouble For Bulma | | 47. Scramble For the Dragon Balls | | 48. Arrival of the Ginyu Force | | 49. Elite Fighters of the Universe... | | 50. Time Tricks And Body Binds | | 51. No Refuge Frome Recoome | | 52. Enter Goku | | 53. Goku...Super Saiyan? | | 54. Ginyu Assault | | 55. Incredible Force | | 56. Frieza Approaches | | 57. Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku | | 58. Calling the Eternal Dragon | | 59. Gohan! Defeat Your Dad! | | 60. Captain Ginyu the Frog | | 61. Password is Porunga | | 62. Piccolo's Return | | 63. The Fusion | | 64. Fighting Power: One Million?? | | 65. Piccolo the Super-Namek | | 66. Deja Vu | | 67. Frieza's Second Transformation | | 68. Another Transformation? | | 69. Dende's Demise | | 70. The Renewed Goku | | 71. The End Of Vegeta | | 72. The Ultimate Battle | | 73. Clash of the Super Powers | | 74. Frieza's Boast | | 75. Bold and Fearless | | 76. Embodiment of Fire | | 77. Trump Card | | 78. Keep the Chance Alive | | 79. Power of the Spirit | | 80. Transformed at Last | | 81. Explosion of Anger | | 82. Namek's Destruction | | 83. A Final Attack | | 84. Approaching Destruction | | 85. Gohan Returns | | 86. The Last Wish | | 87. Duel On A Vanishing Planet | | 88. Pathos On Frieza | | 89. Frieza Defeated!! | | 90. Might Blast of Rage | | 91. Namek's Explosion...Goku's End? | | 92. Goku's Alive!! | | 93. The Heavens Tremble | | 94. Black Fog of Terror | | 95. Battle in Kami's Lookout | | 96. Fight With Piccolo | | 97. Call For Restoration | | 98. Suicidal Course | | 99. Extreme Measures | | 100. The World Awakens | | 101. Brief Chance for Victory | | 102. Krillin's Proposal | | 103. Frieza's Counterattack | | 104. The Mysterious Youth | | 105. Another Super Saiyan? | | 106. Welcome Back Goku | | 107. Mystery Revealed | | 108. Goku's Special Technique | | 109. The Z Warriors Prepare | | 110. Goku's Ordeal | | 111. The Androids Appear | | 112. A Handy Trick | | 113. Double Trouble for Goku | | 114. Upgrade to Super Saiyan | |
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| 115. The Secret of Dr. Gero |
| |
| 116. More Androids?!
118. Nightmare Comes True | |
| 119. Goku's Assassin | |
| 120. Deadly Beauty | |
| 121. No Match For The Androids | |
| 122. Last Ditch Effort | |
| 123. Closing In | |
| 124. Unwelcome Discovery | |
| 125. Seized With Fear | |
| 126. The Reunion | |
| 127. Borrowed Powers | |
| 128. His Name Is Cell | |
| 129. Piccolo's Folly | |
| 130. Laboratory Basement | |
| 131. Our Hero Awakes | |
| 132. Time Chamber | |
| 133. The Monster Is Coming | |
| 134. He's Here | |
| 135. Up To Piccolo | |
| 136. Silent Warrior | |
| 137. Say Goodbye, 17 | |
| 138. Sacrifice | |
| 139. Saiyans Emerge | |
| 140. Super Vegeta | |
| 141. Bow To the Prince | |
| 142. Hour Of Temptation | |
| 143. Krillin's Decision | |
| 144. The Last Defence | |
| 145. Cell is Complete | |
| 146. Vegeta Must Pay | |
| 147. Trunks Ascends | |
| 148. Saving Throw | |
| 149. Ghosts from Tomorrow | |
| 150. The Cell Games | |
| 151. What is the Tournament? | |
| 152. The Doomsday Broadcast | |
| 153. Meet Me In The Ring | |
| 154. No Worries Here | |
| 155. A Girl Named Lime | |
| 156. Memories of Gohan | |
| 157. A New Guardian | |
| 158. Dende's Dragon | |
| 159. The Puzzle of General Tao | |
| 160. The Games Begin | |
| 161. Losers Fight First | |
| 162. Goku vs. Cell | |
| 163. Cell's Bag of Tricks | |
| 164. No More Rules | |
| 165. The Fight is Over | |
| 166. Faith in a Boy | |
| 167. Gohan's Desperate Plea | |
| 168. Android Explosion | |
| 169. Children of Cell Attack | |
| 170. The Unleashing | |
| 171. The Unstoppable Gohan | |
| 172. Cell's Mighty Breakdown | |
| 173. A Hero's Farewell | |
| 174. Cell Returns | |
| 175. The Horror Won't End | |
| 176. Save The World | |
| 177. Goku's Noble Decision | |
| 178. One More Wish | |
| 179. Free The Future | |
| 180. Warriors of The Dead | |
| 181. Other World Tournament
195. The World's Tournament | | 196. Goten vs. Trunks | | 197. Best of the Boys | | 198. Big Trouble, Little Trunks | | 199. Who Will Fight Who? | | 200. Forfiet of Piccolo | | 201. A Dark and Secret Power | | 202. Videl is Crushed | | 203. Identities Revealed | | 204. Energy Drain | | 205. The Wizards Curse | | 206. King Of The Demons | | 207. Vegeta Attacks | | 208. Next Up, Goku | | 209. Battle Supreme | | 210. Eighteen Unmasks | | 211. Pay to Win | | 212. Heart of A Villain | | 213. The Dark Prince Returns | | 214. Vegeta's Pride | | 215. The Long Awaited Fight | | 216. Magic Ball of Buu | | 217. Buu is Hatched | | 218. The Losses Begin | | 219. The Terror of Majin Buu | | 220. Meal Time | | 221. The Warrior's Decision | | 222. Final Atonement | | 223. Evil Lives On | | 224. Find the Dragon Balls | | 225. Revival | | 226. Global Announcement | | 227. Learn to Fuse | | 228. The Z Sword | | 229. Race to Capsule Corp. | | 230. Super Saiyan 3?! | | 231. Buu's Mutiny | | 232. The Fusion Dance | | 233. Goku's Time is Up | | 234. Return to the Other World | | 235. Out From the Broken Sword | | 236. Gotenks is Born | | 237. Unlikely Friendship | | 238. I Kill No More | | 239. The Evil Of Men | | 240. Buu Against Buu | | 241. Empty Planet | | 242. Time Struggle | | 243. Super Moves of Gotenks | | 244. Trapped in Forever | | 245. Feeding Frenzy | | 246. Gotenks is Awesome! | | 247. Unlucky Break | | 248. A Whole New Gohan | | 249. Search for Survivors | | 250. Majin Buu Transforms | | 251. The Old Kai's Weapon | | 252. Ready To Fuse? | | 253. Union of Rivals | | 254. Meet Vegetto | | 255. Rip in the Universe | | 256. Vegetto...Downsized | | 257. The Incredible Fighting Candy | | 258. The Innards of Buu | | 259. Mind Trap | | 260. Visions of Deadly | | 261. Evil Kid Buu! | | 262. End of Earth | | 263. True Saiyans Fight Alone | | 264. Battle for the Universe Begins | | 265. Vegeta's Respect | | 266. Minute of Desperation | | 267. Old Buu Emerges | | 268. Earth Reborn | | 269. Call to Action | | 270. People of Earth Unite | | 271. Spirit Bomb Triumphant | | 272. Celebrations With Majin Buu | | 273. He's Always Late | | 274. Granddaughter Pan | | 275. Buu's Reincarnation | | 276. Goku's Next Journey | |
| |
| 182. Water Fight | |
| 183. Final Round | |
| 184. Goku vs. Pikkon | |
| 185. Gohan Goes to High School | |
| 186. I Am Saiyaman | |
| 187. Gohan's First Date | |
| 188. Rescue Videl | |
| 189. Blackmail | |
| 190. I'll Fight Too! | |
| 191. The Newest Super Saiyan | |
| 192. Take Flight, Videl | |
| 193. Gather for the Tournament | |
| 194. Camera Shy | |
*********************** these download links have been taken from here*********************** 195. The World's Tournament | | 196. Goten vs. Trunks | | 197. Best of the Boys | | 198. Big Trouble, Little Trunks | | 199. Who Will Fight Who? | | 200. Forfiet of Piccolo | | 201. A Dark and Secret Power | | 202. Videl is Crushed | | 203. Identities Revealed | | 204. Energy Drain | | 205. The Wizards Curse | | 206. King Of The Demons | | 207. Vegeta Attacks | | 208. Next Up, Goku | | 209. Battle Supreme | | 210. Eighteen Unmasks | | 211. Pay to Win | | 212. Heart of A Villain | | 213. The Dark Prince Returns | | 214. Vegeta's Pride | | 215. The Long Awaited Fight | | 216. Magic Ball of Buu | | 217. Buu is Hatched | | 218. The Losses Begin | | 219. The Terror of Majin Buu | | 220. Meal Time | | 221. The Warrior's Decision | | 222. Final Atonement | | 223. Evil Lives On | | 224. Find the Dragon Balls | | 225. Revival | | 226. Global Announcement | | 227. Learn to Fuse | | 228. The Z Sword | | 229. Race to Capsule Corp. | | 230. Super Saiyan 3?! | | 231. Buu's Mutiny | | 232. The Fusion Dance | | 233. Goku's Time is Up | | 234. Return to the Other World | | 235. Out From the Broken Sword | | 236. Gotenks is Born | | 237. Unlikely Friendship | | 238. I Kill No More | | 239. The Evil Of Men | | 240. Buu Against Buu | | 241. Empty Planet | | 242. Time Struggle | | 243. Super Moves of Gotenks | | 244. Trapped in Forever | | 245. Feeding Frenzy | | 246. Gotenks is Awesome! | | 247. Unlucky Break | | 248. A Whole New Gohan | | 249. Search for Survivors | | 250. Majin Buu Transforms | | 251. The Old Kai's Weapon | | 252. Ready To Fuse? | | 253. Union of Rivals | | 254. Meet Vegetto | | 255. Rip in the Universe | | 256. Vegetto...Downsized | | 257. The Incredible Fighting Candy | | 258. The Innards of Buu | | 259. Mind Trap | | 260. Visions of Deadly | | 261. Evil Kid Buu! | | 262. End of Earth | | 263. True Saiyans Fight Alone | | 264. Battle for the Universe Begins | | 265. Vegeta's Respect | | 266. Minute of Desperation | | 267. Old Buu Emerges | | 268. Earth Reborn | | 269. Call to Action | | 270. People of Earth Unite | | 271. Spirit Bomb Triumphant | | 272. Celebrations With Majin Buu | | 273. He's Always Late | | 274. Granddaughter Pan | | 275. Buu's Reincarnation | | 276. Goku's Next Journey | |
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