So I twisted the topic a little, and came up with...
The 10 Best White Hair Male Characters...
p/s: Got bored waiting for my downloads to complete..
I'm downloading Tayutama ep1 right now(will post the review) and Merlin2008 final episode..........................................What!!?
It's not like an otaku doesn't deserve to watch drama!!!
Anyways, we put that aside...
Starting from 10!!!
#10 Inuyasha from "Inuyasha"

#9 Near from "Death Note"

#8 Archer from "Fate/Stay Night"

#7 Ukitake Jushiro from "Bleach"

#6 Dante from "Devil May Cry"

#5 Aizawa Kouichi from "Nabari no Ou"

#4 Kiryuu Zero from "Vampire Knight"

#3 Hitsugaya Toushirou from "Bleach"

#2 Allen Walker from "D.Grayman"

#1 Ginko from "Mushishi"

That's it guys... My 10 best White Hair Male Chara!!!
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