Hey im bridgiet..my frnds call me ayu...I am from India ive jus finished 10th grade & of course i luv animes! *********************************************** thanks for adding me to this community!!
Deca Durabolin Cycle, Results and Side Effects
The Nandrolone hormone has been used by many athletes for years now.
Athletes have chosen to use Deca because it is relatively mild yet
extremely effecti...
Mech Fans Toys Zero Destroyer (Megatron)
I found this from a local DIY Store at USD5.50 and I thought, it's kind of
cheap and it wouldn't hurt to check it out and just like that I grab it and
One Piece 795
Checking on Sanji's group, and also other pirates in the New World.
*A Beast of a man.*
On the coast of Dressrosa, Fujitora is throwing dice every...
Vesak Day 2013
[image: IMG_8008]
This is my very first time attending such event. Being a Buddhist, I did
not pray a lot, in fact I rarely did nor do I have any special...
New Navbar and Chatbox
Made a new css based navbar and added a new chatbox to replace the old one
that got spammed to hell by bots. I only made them with firefox in mind so
I'm n...
Random Pop-up Post for the Moment.
Last post: 12th September 2008. My goodness, that was seriously very long
ago lol. Sadly, this is just going to be a short post for now, but I should
be ba...
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