It has been a topic of discussion by otaku around the world since it's announcement...
Like the 1st series, it'll be produced by Bones...
Rumors said it is likely to be a faithful manga adaptation, unlike the previous season which
strayed from the original manga storyline halfway the series...
But as people say "You have to see to believe!!"
I took the advice, and watched the 1st episode...
I was amazed by it's quality, the colors and details...
As expected from Bones, who also produced Eureka 7...
But then, I was shocked when it started with a chara I don't know, drawing a
transmutation circle in an alley, and at the HQ, Bradley ordered Mustang to capture him
with the help of the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric!!
At this point, I asked myself What The Hell is this???
Where's the "faithful manga adaptation" thingy??
But as a fan, I watched the whole thing...
When it ended, I thought that it wasn't that bad at all!!
The quality is something that can't be complained...
The plot's fine, even if it didn't followed the original piece..
Seiyuu, Park Romi and Kugimiya Rie also made a good work, like in the previous season..
So I think, just watch the whole season...
Then worry about making critics!!
Good or Bad!!!
Below are some screenshots:

Chicchaida to!!!???

Rider Kick!!!

What the Hell!!?



Remember us!!!?

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